configure forwarding rate-limit overhead-bytes

configure forwarding rate-limit overhead-bytes overhead_bytes


This command allows you to select the number of overhead bytes that will be included in the rate calculation.

Syntax Description

rate-limit Rate limiting features.
overhead_bytes Number of overhead bytes used in rate-limit and meter calculations.


20 bytes to include the preamble and inter-frame gap.


The following example displays the output of the show forwarding configuration command with the rate limit information included.

L2 and L3 Forwarding table hash algorithm:
    Configured hash algorithm:              crc32
    Current hash algorithm:                 crc32

L3 Dual-Hash configuration:
    Configured setting:                     on
    Current setting:                        on
    Dual-Hash Recursion Level:              1

Hash criteria for IP unicast traffic for L2 load sharing and ECMP route sharing
    Sharing criteria:                       L3_L4

IP multicast:
    Group Table Compression:                on
    Local Network Forwarding:               slow-path
    Lookup-Key:                             (SourceIP, GroupIP, VlanId)

Internal lookup tables:
    Configured Setting:                     l2-and-l3
    Current Setting:                        l2-and-l3

Switch Settings:
    Switching mode:                         store-and-forward

L2 Protocol:
    Fast convergence:                       on

Rate Limit:
    Overhead Bytes:                         20

Fabric Flow Control:
    Fabric Flow Control:                    auto

ARP and ND Settings:
    ARP Suppression Filters:                per-port
    ND Suppression Filters:                 per-port


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 21.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on the Summit X450-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2, X770, and ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X620, X690, X870 series switches.